FFV - Walkthrough - X-Death's Castle

2 Elixir, Ice Shield, 2 Ether, Gale Bow, Partisan, Blizzard, Double Lance, Wall Ring, 9900 GP, MagiShuriken, 8000 GP, Excalipur, Carbuncle, DiamndShield, Genji Helmet, Kotetsu

Now you can go through the locked door and you are on the second floor. Go south for two chests (Ether/Diamond Shield) and make your way up the stairs. There is a dead end here, so leave. When you try to leave, you will be interrupted by a sequence. Watch the scene and walk up the stairs, which just appeared.

Follow the path and press the grey thing on the west wall to open wall which stops you from getting the ice. Now go upstairs and open the chest at the end of the path for an Ether. Go through the door and you will have to walk through the lava ( Note : if you change one of your characters to a geomancer, the lava won't hurt you). Go through the lava and you can find a Gale Bow.

After that you have to go up the stairs ( don't forget to get the Elixir at the stairs). You will see a skull, which you have to step on. You have to stop it at the correct places, if not you'll be attacked by a Harpy. In the left chest you can find the Blizzard Sword, in the right one there's a Kotetsu.

Head upstairs, save your game and go to the next room. Use the secret passage to get the elixir in the chest on the right side of the room. Now go left for a chest with 9900GP and then follow the path over the lava. Step through the door and walk up the stairs. Walk down the next stairs and you will need to have a geomancer in your team. Go right and you will find a chest with 8000 GP. Now walk down the stairs and head east. Watch out for the holes in this room. The geomancer will keep you from falling down and you can open the chest one the right side for a Double Lance.

Step on the skull at the north side and you will be teleported to a green energy-ball. Examine it to fight the summon Carbuncle.

BOSS 29: Carbuncle Level 1 HP 15000
Carbuncle has auto-reflect, so don't use spells. Only use them if you reflected them off your own party. Physical attacks and summons should work here. Later in the battle Carbunlce partly loses his auto-reflect, so you might be able to use stronger spells. Note that you can steal a Wall Ring.

You have to go down the stairs now and step on the skull. Be warped and go back to the giant skull platform. Get to the save point below and then into the next room. Ignore the the chest and walk up the staircase on the right. Open the chests in here for a MagiShuriken and a Partisan. Go down again and walk up the stairs in the center. If you've opened the chest I mentioned before you will now have to fight Gilgamesh.

BOSS 30: Gilgamesh Level 53 or 67 HP 15000
Watch out for his hurricane attack which will knock a character's HP down to 1. His physical attacks are not very strong. This fight is not very hard and can be easily finished. When Gilgamesh transforms, he's actually weaker than before. After a while X-Death will finish him off. Don't forget to steal the Genji Helmet.

After you won go though the door and you will encounter X-Death.

BOSS 31: X-Death Level 66 HP 32768
You can use Float, Shell, Golem and Carbuncle to protect yourself from the very strong spells he might use. With his Polarity attacks he can change the rows your characters are in, so watch out. If you use Flare and Holy spells the fight is very easy.

End of world 2!

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