FFIX - Script - 1.7 - Gizmaluke's Grotto & South Gate

[She kneels beside one]
"Come on! Get up!"
[She kneels beside the other one]
"Dammit! Say something!"
"Oh, man..."
"The black mages! Who are they!?"
"It's okay. You didn't do anything."
"Vivi, aren't they your - "
"The king might be in danger!"
"Come on!"
[Freya runs into the Grotto]
"I sure hope Dagger didn't come here..."
"Let's go."
[Inside the Grotto, you need to talk to a wounded soldier and receive a bell to open the door to the next room]
"Hey, are you alright!?"
Burmecian Soldier
"...Black mages... Couldn't do anything."
"We're here to help. We're on our way to Burmecia."
Burmecian Soldier
"Ugh... I'm done for."
"Take this bell, and... go to Burmecia..."
"The black mages... took our bells..."
"The king's in...palace...Please protec..."
[He falls unconscious]
"I'll protect him. Don't worry."
[Received Gizamaluke Bell!]
[With the bell, you open the door]
"The bell in your hand and the door bell are ringing!
[The door opens, and the bell breaks]
"The bell in your hand shattered..."
[Zidane enters the next room, where three black mages attack a wounded Burmecian soldier, each black mage shouting "KILL!". Zorn and Thorn enter the room and jump once, in unison, before walking near the front of the room. Zidane enters and they stop]
"Who is that?"
"That, I don't know."
"I know I have seen him somewhere before."
"Somewhere before? I have not seen him. I know."
"I guess it is not important. Let's kill him."
"Yes, kill him, shall we?"
[Two black mages jump down. Battle begins, your team vs. those two. After defeating them, Zorn and Thorn are frightened]
"HEE! Savage monsters, they are!"
"Run away!"
[Zorn and Thorn run away. You need to fight the 3rd black mage (which is actually two) to get another Gizamaluke Bell. With that bell, you enter a door, and arrive at a room with a gigantic fallen bell. A female moogle is standing in front of it]
"Can you hear me!?"
"Please say something!"
"I didn't expect to see a moogle here. What's wrong?"
"My husband! He's inside this bell!"
"He's trapped! Kupo!!!"
"You poor thing..."
"We just held our wedding here."
"Then some scary clowns attacked us!"
"I was so scared! Kupooo!!!"
"This bell's huge. I don't know if we can lift it."
"No, please!!! Huh?"
[She approaches Vivi]
"<Sniff sniff!>"
"<Sniff sniff!>"
"<Sniff sniff!>"
"<Sniff sniff!>"
"H-Hello. Um..."
"Oh! Oh!!! Wait... Yeah! It's you!!!"
"I know you! I know you! I know you! I know you! I know you! Um, Um, Um, Um, Um, Um, Um..."
"Hey, hey, hey!!! You have Kupo Nut?"
"Y-Yeah... I got one in Lindblum."
"Really!? Really!? Really!? Really!? C-Can I have it?"
[Choose between "Yes" and "No". Choose the first one]
"Kupooo!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
[Mogmi runs up to the bell]
"Darling! Darling! I have yummy Kupo Nut!"
[The bell is lifted off and the moogle soars out, exclaiming "Kupooo!"
"Kupooo! I love Kupo Nuts!"
[He runs off]
"Darling! Where are you going!?"
"U-Um, thank you!"
[She runs after him]
"What a crazy couple..."
[Zidane gets a bell from a chest, and, enters another room; door opening, bell shattering. In this room is the moogle couple you helped out]
"Thanks again!"
"Now we can go on our honeymoon!"
[As you try to leave the room, Moguta, the male moogle, stops you]
"Kupo! Wait!"
[Says, "Kupo! Kupo!", as a statue moves around. He then hands something to Zidane]
"Take this, kupo!"
[Received Holy Bell!]
"Give me Kupo Nuts again, okay, kupo? I'm kupo for Kupo Nuts!"
[You leave the room, pass through another door, and enter a sewer-like area. In there, a guard is sitting down, wounded. Freya runs up to him]
"Are you alright!?"
Burmecian Soldier
"Freya... Please be careful..."
"Master Gizamaluke has gone mad. He's being controlled by some strange clowns."
[Out of a tunnel in the wall, a huge serpent dives into the water. Boss battle begins vs. Gizamaluke. After defeating him, the four characters are standing around]
"What happened to Master Gizamaluke...?"
"We must hurry! His Majesty is in danger!"

[Screen changes to Steiner, carrying a stick with a bag attached, near a gate. The words "South Gate Grand Citadel" appear on the screen]
(Once we cross this gate, we are in Alexandrian territory!)
[Steiner walks forward to the gate, but is stopped by two guards]
Short Guard
"Hold it right there."
Tall Guard
"What's the purpose of your visit?"
"I heard workers were needed to fix South Gate."
"I brought my belongings so that I might live and work here."
Tall Guard
"That's great!"
"They've been working on the gate non-stop since the accident, but it's still broken."
Short Guard
"I need to check your bag. Rules and regulations, you know."
[Puts the bag down]
Short Guard
"Would you step back?"
[Steiner steps back]
Tall Guard
"There, that's good. Sorry, just doing our job."
"So... Where are you from?"
(Blast, I must do something!)
Tall Guard
"The police are searching for a girl and a middle-aged man. Did you see a pair like that on your way here?"
Short Guard
"This knot is really tight..."
Tall Guard
"The girl supposedly looks exactly like Princess Garnet, the most beautiful princess ever to grace Alexandria Castle."
Short Guard
"I got it now."
Tall Guard
"But you know how Queen Brahne looks. It's hard to believe that she'd have such a beautiful daughter."
Short Guard
"Wh-What is that!? What are those...those..."
"...rotten things! Are they poison!?"
"Rotten? I'm not carrying anything that's rotting..."
Tall Guard
"Oh, it's your least favourite food..."
"...the Lindblum delicacy, gysahl pickles."
"I can't believe how many you brought with you!"
"They are my favourite! I cannot start my day without them."
Tall Guard
"Yeah, sure. People who like ‘em all say that. You can go now."
"Thank you."
[He picks up the bag]
"Good day."
[The door is opened, and Steiner walks through]
{We're inside the gate! Princess, you've done it again.)
(I must find a spot where I won't be seen.)
[He looks left, then right, and keeps looking right]
(That alley looks acceptable.)
(But a girl and a man are in the way.)
[Steiner goes to talk to the man]
Earnet Young Man
"Let's see... I need two of model S3..."
"Oh, you brought your things with you. Are you here to work?"
[Choose between "Answer" or "Remain Silent". Pick the first choice]
Earnet Young Man
"Welcome! I'm also new here. I've been working here for five months as the chief engineer of Bohden Gate."
"But he's the only one working under me."
[Screen shows a man on the left side of the screen]
Chief Engineer
"I'll be going back to the castle next month, when my contract expires."
"I'll be joining a team of engineers who are developing a new engine that runs without Mist."
"The world outside the Mist Continent is uncharted territory, but there's no need to worry about our safety if we can explore it on an airship."
"Regent Cid is an advocate of technological advancement."
"Oh, sorry. I've talked your ear off."
[Steiner walks over to the man which the Chief Engineer looked at before]
"This gate breaks down a lot, ‘cause the hinges don't fit very well."
"The road leads to the bottom of the Mist. No one uses it. There's no need to fix it, really."
"So, I just polish up the gate and make it look all nice. That takes care of it for a couple months."
"Hee hee."
(You were the reason we couldn't come in through this gate!)
[Choose between "Kill!" or "Don't kill". The second choice is alot better]
(I must tolerate him for the sake of the princess!)
[Steiner returns to the Chief Engineer]
Chief Engineer
"Sure, I'd like to leave, but I intend to work hard while I'm here!"
"There's something I must tell you."
Chief Engineer
"...The gate to the bottom of the Mist has been left broken!?"
"Did he think he could get away with that!?"
"Excuse me!"
[He runs off]
(Now I just need to get rid of that girl...)
[He goes to talk to her]
Part-time Worker Mary
"I can't believe he went out of business..."
"I didn't know, because I was on the other side of the mountain."
[Choose between "Console her" or "Don't console her". Pick the first one]
"What good is it to bemoan what has already happened?"
"Wh-What I meant to say was that... Now that we are here, there must be things we can do to help the ones we love."
"Part-time Worker Mary
"You're right. I gotta encourage him."
[She walks away]
(The coast is clear.)
[He walks towards the alley]
Short Guard
"Hey, hold on!"
"Rules and regulations, you know. Would you come over here?"
[Steiner walks to him]
Short Guard
"Stop right there!"
"Don't make a move until I tell you!"
"Now, turn toward me slowly... Don't make a false move."
"You need a Gate Pass to reach the South Gate summit."
"I'm leaving it right here. Pick it up after I leave."
"I'd come closer, but you're carrying those stinky pickles! See? I'm leaving it right here!"
[Leaves it on the ground and backs off. Steiner walks up to it]
[Received Gate Pass!]
[Steiner goes to the alley, dropping the bag behind a few stacked boxes]
‘Tis foolishness! If all were so easy, why, none would suffer in this world!'
"Steiner...? Is it okay for me to come out?"
"Thank you. I will come out now. Please keep an eye out."
[Steiner runs to one end of the alley and keeps a lookout, while Dagger gets out]
<Rustle rustle...>
<Rustle rustle...>
"Oh, finally! Some fresh air!"
"What a horrible smell... it gave me a terrible headache."
(Maybe I'll get changed while he's on lookout)
[Dagger changes]
"You can turn around now, Steiner."
"Yes...? Oh, um, yes, Miss Dagger."
"You have to call me Dagger until we reach Treno. Don't salute me, either."
"Yes, until we reach Treno and find a way back to the castle, I will be careful."
"Okay, let's go!"
[Dagger and Steiner approach a cable car]
"That cable car will take us to the summit."
"We're almost there, Steiner. Alexandria is just beyond the summit, right?"
"I managed it without Zidane's help...!"
"You never needed him to begin with, Princess."
[Dagger runs up to the Conductor]
"Will you be boarding Berkmea?"
[Choose between "Board" and "Don't board". Have to board sometime]
"May I see your Gate Pass?"
"Yep, that's the one."
"We can depart right away, if you want."
[Choose between "Depart" or "Not yet". Again, you have to depart sooner or later. So, first choice]
"Alright, then. Please go inside. We'll be departing shortly."
[Dagger and Steiner enter the cable car, and Dagger picks out their seats]
"Let's sit here."
"Please wait while I prepare for departure."
Part-time Worker Mary
"Wait! Wait for me!"
"<Pant, pant...> I made it!"
[She walks up to Steiner]
"Thank you for your kind words earlier."
"No, I thank you."
Part-time Worker Mary
"Now departing!"
[Mary sits down, and Steiner goes to sit across from Dagger. The cable car takes off]
"Phew... I feel more relaxed now."
"That is understandable. Our journey from Lindblum was very tough. But..."
"...it was your white magic that helped me through the battles against all those monsters..."
"...your fortitude that got us past the obnoxious moogles in Chocobo's Forest..."
"...and finally, your idea to use gysahl pickles to get past the South Gate guards!"
"I am thoroughly impressed by your intelligence and courage, Princess!"
"Steiner, you can't call me that."
"My apologies. I'm just not used to..."
"It's okay. I made lots of mistakes when Zidane taught me how to talk like this."
"That peasant had no manners whatsoever!"
"Although...he did have some wit for a bumpkin, but..."
"The way he spoke to you was simply unacceptable!"
"I say good riddance."
[The scene fades out on them, and returns to Gizamaluke's Grotto, with the four characters, after defeating Gizamaluke, helping a wounded soldier]
"Can you stand up?"
Burmecian Soldier
"Don't worry... about me..."
"Please... protect Bur...me..."
[He dies]
"I will protect Burmecia. You have my word."
[All four of the characters run out of the Grotto, returning to the World Map]