FFIX - Script - 3.6 - Oeilvert & Desert Palace

"This must be the entrance."
"Open up!"
"No way I can open a door this big!"
[The doors suddenly start to open]
"I dunno what's going on, but I guess we gotta go inside."
"It's an honor to be here, hehe."
[They go inside. Zidane approaches a crystal and touches it. It glows red at its epicenter. Zidane leaves that room, and heads to another one. A large hologram of a planet appears on the screen. Zidane is startled]
"Is this...a planet?"
[Red writing in some unknown language appears in the hologram]
"Was that writing that just appeared?"
"...Mother... Terra...?"
Steiner, Freya, Amarant
"Aww...I can't make it out..."
"Zidane, can you really read it?"
"It's not that I can read it... it's more like the words are talking to me."
"I don't even know why..."
[Zidane heads to the next screen. He approaches four holograms, one by one]
"Aha, it worked!"
[A hologram of a ship appears]
"Oldest...in history..."
[At the next one, another ship appears]
"The ship...for war..."
[At the next, ANOTHER, completely different, ship appears]
[At the fourth and final one, yet another ship]
"The first...battleship...Invincible..."
"Improved version...currently...in use..."
[Zidane enters another room, walking along a path lifted in the air, and coming to a metal ball. He observes the ball]
"Huh? It's gone."
[A hologram appears on the wall]
"Beginning...of the city..."
[The hologram dissapears]
"Huh? Now it's gone again."
[A different one appears]
"At first...the city...flourished..."
"Soon...began to decline..."
"At its peak...cities...all over ...Terra..."
"Then...the decline...began..."
[The hologram stops]
"So what the heck is all this?"
[Zidane heads to another room. On the wall inside it are multiple face carvings. White mist covers the ground. Zidane walks in, the others following behind]
"What is this place?"
"Wh-What a disturbing room!"
[One of the faces comes alive, glowing orange and speaking in a strange language no one understands]
"Friend or foe!?"
"Wait! It's saying something..."
"Visitors... Climb atop the stone..."
"I could understand it!"
"Huh. I guess it's speaking directly into our minds."
"Well, let's go!"
[They walk on top of a blue platform; the aforementioned stone. It rises into the air]
"Visitors, listen well..."
"This is the record of our civilization..."
[Another face lights up]
"The seeds' decline was not our fault..."
"All vegetation and...vessels...died out..."
"The decay of our Terra... triggered it all..."
"In order to stop the decay, many methods were considered..."
[Another face lights up]
"Ultimately, the best minds of Terra's civilization gathered..."
"Then, a final resuscitation was attempted on the mother continent..."
"Unfortunately, it ended in failure..."
"It was later discovered to have been the catalyst... Subjects were selected..."
[Another face lights up]
"After four tremendous sacrifices, eternal prosperity seemed within reach..."
"Flora and fauna were revived, but...is still in stasis."
"Final results...are still pending..."
[Another face lights up]
"In order that our glorious history not die with us, we were constructed..."
[The platforms descends]
"Zidane, what could this possibly be!?"
"I wanna know, too... but our friends are in danger!"
"So let's save them first!"
[The group leaves the room, and enters another one. In the middle of the room, a star is etched into the floor]
"Hmm... It looks different than before."
[A hologram of a planet with an orange moon appears above the star]
"It looks like that other planet."
[Another planet with a blue moon appears beside the first one]
"Wh-What's this? Another planet?"
[The two planets join together, forming one planet with two moons]
"What the heck could this mean?"
[Zidane exits the room, into another room which descends far down and only has a platform. Upon walking onto the platform, it springs to life, spiralling downwards. At the bottom, Zidane is in a new room. He approaches a structure, which moves down and opens up. Inside is a blackish stone]
"So this is what Kuja was harping about."
"Time to head back."
[He jumps onto the structure, and is instantly flung backwards]
[The room shakes. Zidane assumes a battle stance]
"Something's coming!"
[Boss Battle vs. Ark. After it's destroyed, Zidane reaches in and gets the stone]
"We gotta get back to the others!"
[Received Gulug Stone!]

[Screen changes back to the Desert Palace. Eiko is in her cell with Mog]
"Why am I trapped in here!?"
"Hey! Someone lemme out!"
"This is no way to treat a lady!"
"I hope Zidane and the others are alright..."
"I'm sure they'll come back for me."
"So, how do you like the special suites I reserved for each of you?"
"By the way, Zidane is out running an errand for me in return for your safety."
"But I hate keeping promises..."
"And I so love deceit."
"So, I thought I would give you a special death to remember me by."
"My palace is home to a magnificent hourglass."
"As its sands fall, the floors of your rooms slowly open."
"Well? Isn't it a fabulous idea?"
"Your lives will be spared if the hourglass is reset. If Zidane comes back in time, that is."
"Oops, just ten more minutes. Better start praying."
"Farewell... My sweet, lovable morons."
"What!? Somebody help me!"
[Screen changes to Regent Cid, standing outside of his cell with Zidane; in other words, where Zidane left him]
"Farewell... My sweet, lovable morons."
Regent Cid
"That bastard Kuja!"
"That does it <ribbit>! If I don't save them, no one will!"
[Regent Cid hops off screen. At the platform where the group was teleported away, two black mages are talking]
Black Mage No. 69
"I reset the hourglass and locked it just because I was ordered to."
"What we're doing is wrong, isn't it?"
Black Mage No. 12
"Wait. Isn't that better than to stop functioning?"
Black Mage No. 69
[Hangs his head]
Black Mage No. 12
"C-Come on, let's go back."
Black Mage No. 69
"Turning off that trap again? I still don't understand how you do it."
Black Mage No. 127
"You basically have to turn them all on. You're just thinking too hard."
"Let's go."
[They walk off screen. Regent Cid hops down to the room where the two black mages exited from. Inside the new room is a key on a cage with a Hedgehog Pie in it. At the back of the room is a set of scales, and the hourglass above it]
Regent Cid
"That must be the key they were talking about <ribbit>!"
"Get the key! Press the O button to go forward."
[Mini-Game. Press O for Cid to walk forward and get the key, only when the Hedgehog Pie's back is turned. Eventually, Cid gets the key]
"You receive the Hourglass Key!"
[Cid hops over to the scales]
Regent Cid
"I see a scale and some weights <ribbit>!"
[Choose between "Examine the scales", "Examine the weights", "Put weights on the scales", or "Climb onto the scales". You have to choose "Put weights on the scales" eventually]
"Hmm... Which should I use <ribbit>?"
[Choose between "A, B, and C", "A, B, and D", "A, C, and D" or "B, C, and D". The fourth choice is the correct one, so, pick it. Cid places the weights on one at a time]
"Now what <ribbit>?"
[Choose between "Remove weight" or "Climb onto the scales". Choose the second]
[Cid jumps onto the scale, and then up to the hourglass]
Regent Cid
"Just have to turn this upside-down <ribbit>!"
[He flips a switch, going "<ribbit>!" in the process. The hourglass turns upside down]
"Now, everyone should be alright <ribbit>!"
[Screen changes to outside everyone's rooms. Eiko, Vivi, Quina, and Dagger exit them]
"I thought I was a goner!"
"Thank goodness we made it!"
"Aha! You all made it <ribbit>!"
[Cid hops on screen. Everyone runs up to him]
"Huh? You saved us?"
Regent Cid
"And it wasn't easy, mind you... But we've no time to celebrate <ribbit>!"
"I heard from two black mages <ribbit> that there's some kind of trap up ahead."
"They said you basically just have to turn them all on, whatever that means <ribbit>. Let's hurry!"
"That's right! We can't just rely on Zidane!"
"We have to work together until Zidane gets back!"
"We can do it if we stick together!"
[The characters nod their heads. Screen changes to just Eiko; she heads to the next screen. The words "Desert Palace" appear on the screen]
[Eiko makes her way through the Desert Palace, lighting candles and collecting bloodstones. She eventually climbs a set of stairs, about the light the final candle, before stopping. A voice is heard]
"Intruder alert. Defense system activated."
"Initializing automatic countermeasures. Transferring from observation to attack mode."
"Huh? That's not Kuja's voice!"
"Who's there!? Come out and show yourself!"
[Boss Battle vs. Valia Pira. The more bloodstones you got, the less enhancements it has. After it's defeated, Eiko lights the final candle; a part of the stairs begins to glow, and she walks onto it. She teleports away, as the screen fades to black]
[Screen fades back outside the Desert Palace. The Hilda Garde 1 has landed, and Zidane is on its deck]
"Finally made it back."
"Well, no rest for the wicked! I gotta get movin'!"
[Zidane returns to the teleporter and reappears at a teleporter outside of Kuja's room]
"What the... Where are we now?"
"Did I take a wrong turn?"
"Welcome back... I'm inside the room past the stairs."
"But I want you to come alone, Zidane. Alone."
"Zidane, it is surely a trap! Proceed with caution!"
"Yeah, tell me about it."
"I'll be okay! You guys just wait here."
[Zidane goes up the stairs and approaches the doors to the room. They open]
"Come inside..."
[He walks in; Kuja is standing at the back of the room]
"I'm so happy to see you again, Zidane."
"My friends better be alright!"
"Oh my! Blunt as always, I see..."
"Take a look in there."
[Zidane walks up to a cage in the ground between him and Kuja, and looks down. Quina, Vivi, Dagger and Eiko, all unconscious, are lying down there]
"No need to worry. They just needed some rest, that's all."
"Now, give me the Gulug Stone..."
[Screen changes to outside his room. Amarant and Freya are standing around; Steiner is pacing]
"I wonder how the others are doing..."
"Why, if something happened to the princess, I don't know what I would do!"
[From the teleporter on the right side of the screen, Vivi, Dagger, Eiko, Quina, and Regent Cid teleport up, running up to the 3 waiting characters]
"Huh? Where's Zidane?"
"He went alone to Kuja's chamber. But how did you escape?"
Regent Cid
"There's no time! We gotta go stop Zidane!"
[Screen fades to black. The next one shows everyone running into Kuja's room; the last person, Eiko, has to live with the doors suddenly slamming in her face; in other words, she's the only one not in Kuja's room]
"What the heck!?"
[She turns around and looks around. Zorn and Thorn come up from behind her. The screen fades to black, and resumes inside of Kuja's room]
"Now, give me the Gulug Stone..."
"You bastard! You're the worst scum alive!"
"<Yawn> I grow weary of your tantrums."
"Well, will you hand it over or not?"
"Don't give it to him, Zidane!"
[Everyone, except Eiko and Reget Cid, runs in]
"Huh!? So, who's inside this cage?"
"Oh dear, I wasn't expecting this. That's right, the ones inside are fake!"
"But don't think you've won yet."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Aaa! Leave me alone!"
"<Rrrrribbit!> I'll protect you!"
"What a freak! This frog can speak!"
"Frog that goes squish, you'll make a fine dish!"
"Aw, man..."
[Kuja lifts his hand. It shines blue]
[Kuja uses his power to bring the Gulug Stone to his hand]
"I wanted to finish you off after getting the Gulug Stone and killing all your friends..."
"Instead, I'll just take the girl."
"I hope we meet again."
[Kuja turns around and goes on a teleporter, teleporting away. Zidane runs to it but he's too late]
"Arrg! It won't respond."
"He plans to flee on the Hilda Garde!"
"Let's get him!"
[Zidane returns to the screen with the Hilda Garde. It's gone. He goes to the next screen]
"Dammit! He got away!"
Regent Cid
"We can still follow him on the Blue Narciss!"
"Great minds think alike!"
"Let's go, people!
[Everyone nods. Zidane descends a ladder and exits the screen. The scene changes to the World Map, as the Hilda Garde 1 flies through the air....then, soaring through the sea is the Blue Narciss, following it at a safe distance. The words "Lost Continent" appear on the screen, as the Hilda Garde 1 passes over a continent. The screen then changes to on the deck of the Blue Narciss]
"He headed toward some weird-looking structure."
"Is there something beyond there...?"
"What the hell is Kuja up to...? Why did he take Eiko?"
Regent Cid
"His motives seem unclear <ribbit>... That girl can summon eidolons, too <ribbit>?"
"That's it! He's probably after her for the same reason he was after Dagger!"
"Don't worry, Dagger... We're not gonna let him have his way."
"Kuja's got a lot to answer for."
[Screen changes back to the World Map. The Blue Narciss is parked on a beach of the Lost Continent. Zidane and company head towards the "weird-looking structure"]