FFIX - Script - 2.2 - Cleyra

"The tempest subsides..."
"By the gods!"
"C'mon, let's go while we can!"
"Indeed. Let us press on."
"Must hurry. Must find yummy-yummies!"
[Everyone runs in. FMV of Cleyra, an enourmous tree. At the top, in the branches and leaves, are houses and the town. It then shows the entire trunk of the massive tree, coming to a stop at the base, where Zidane and company are]
[They make their way through the trunk, eventually making your way to the town. The words "Cleyra Settlement" appear on the screen]
Forest Oracle Kildea
"Might you be Lady Freya?"
"Indeed, I am."
Sand Oracle Satrea
"We have awaited your coming, my lady."
"How did you come to know my identity?"
Forest Oracle Kildea
"The king of Burmecia has requested that we guide you to him."
"Long live the king! Take me to him immediately!"
Sand Oracle Satrea
"At once, my lady."
"Zidane, I shall go to see the king."
"Why not take this chance to rest?"
"Yeah, good idea."
Sand Oracle Satrea
"This way, my lady."
[Freya follows the Sand Oracle. The Forest Oracle approaches the remaining three]
Forest Oracle Kildea
"Allow me to be your guide and show you our town."
[Choose between "Yes, please" or "No thanks". The first one takes longer, since he guides you and explains the locations. Anyways, it's the one I chose]
"Please walk this way, sirs."
"I go find yummy-yummies by myself!"
[Zidane and Vivi follow the oracle, leaving Quina behind. You come to the first screen, where water is floating and a turbine is moving]
Forest Oracle Kildea
"This is our source of water."
"I shall elaborate later on how we have water up so high here."
"Now for our next stop."
[Everyone heads right, to a new screen, then moving up stairs. There are several buildings surrounding them]
Forest Oracle Kildea
"And this is the liveliest part of our town."
"But there's no market today, so the usual crowd is gone..."
"Let's move on."
[Next screen, to the left, with a windmill]
Forest Oracle Kildea
"This windmill brings the blessings of water to our humble town."
"It uses the power of the sandstorm to pump water up from the ground."
"Come. Next, I shall show you the observatory."
[Follow him to a new screen on the right. The observatory looks like a gazebo, on the very edge of a branch]
Forest Oracle Kildea
"The observatory is where the citizenry come to relax."
"Here, we observe our protector, the sandstorm, and here, we pray for it."
"Next is the cathedral, the last stop on our tour."
[Follow him up to the top right screen]
Forest Oracle Kildea
"The High Priest, who brings peace to our souls, resides in the cathedral."
"The king of Burmecia and Lady Freya are meeting inside this building."
"It also houses the harp whose magic stone powers the sandstorm."
"Let us make our way back."
[They return to where they started]
Forest Oracle Kildea
"And that concludes the tour."
"Thanks a lot!"
[Zidane now wanders around the town]

[Quina is standing beside the observatory]
"This town..."
"...got NO yummy-yummies anywhere!"
[Two Cleyra residents exit the observatory, only to be frightened by Quina. Each time he speaks, they back up, until they're back inside the observatory]
"You no can make famous Alexandria dish, Queensmeal?"
"You no have famous South Gate Bundt Cake?"

[Quina is at the place with water]
"I never see this kind mushroom before!"
"I hope it edible."

[Vivi is outside of the inn, and approaches 4 rats (2 adults, 2 children), the same four which were seen before entering the Palace Area in Burmecia]
"Pointy-headed devil!"
Burmecian Refugee Learie
"D-Don't come any closer!"
Burmecian Soldier Dan
"You demon! Leave my family alone!"
[Zidane heads for the next screen]

[Vivi enters the inn, while Burmecian Soldier Dan chases him]
Burmecian Soldier Dan
"You bastard! You killed my father!"
Burmecian Refugee Learie
[Each of their two children shout "Bastard!" as well]
Night Oracle Donnegan
"Well, well. A bit touchy today, aren't we?"
Burmecian Soldier Dan
"He's one of the demons that sacked Burmecia!"
"I-I haven't hurt anyone."
[Zidane makes his way to the palace]
Tree Oracle Wylan
"I have a message for Master Zidane from Lady Freya."
"I was told to convey the following..."
"Zidane! This may take some time, so please wait at the inn!"
[Zidane heads for the inn. Before entering the door, Burmecian Soldier Dan comes running up the stairs]
Burmecian Soldier Dan
[The Night Oracle exits the inn]
Night Oracle Donnegan
"What is the matter?"
Burmecian Soldier Dan
"Th-The antlion's mauling a kid!"
Night Oracle Donnegan
"The antlion!? It is usually so docile... How could-"
Burmecian Soldier Dan
"We gotta teach that beast a lesson!"
Night Oracle Donnegan
"This calls for immediate action."
"I shall inform the high priest at once."
[Night Oracle Donnegan slowly walks off the screen]
Burmecian Soldier Dan
"Hey, buddy, wh-where ya going?"
"These Cleyrans are all so damn lazy!"
"You there! Gimme a hand if you think you're good enough!"
[Zidane runs down to the screen where they first entered Cleyra, then head to the right. A creature is in a whirlpool of sand, holding a rat kid in one tentacle. Quina and Vivi are already there]
"So that's the antlion!"
"Aaaa! Help me!!!"
"Hang in there, champ! We're gonna save you!"
[Freya runs onto the screen]
"Is the child alright, Zidane?"
"Yeah, he's fine."
"Like hell, I'm fine!!"
"That voice!"
"Might it be Prince Puck!?"
"Freya! Where you been!?"
[Throws Puck to the group]
"That hurt, ya stupid jerk!"
"Here it comes!"
[Boss fight vs. Antlion. At the end, it's killed]
"Are you alright, Your Highness?"
"Hey, Freya! Whassup?"
"But how can this be? I heard that Your Highness disappeared upon leaving Burmecia..."
"Well, let us go at once to the cathedral to inform His Majesty!"
"My old man, huh?"
"Nah, I don't wanna see him! Just tell him I said hi, okay?"
"But, Your Highness!!!"
"Take care, Vivi!"
[Puck runs off]
"He so rude! Vivi much nicer."
"He's the first friend I ever had."
"I've gotta tell him something!"
[Vivi runs off. Zidane and company go to the cathedral]
King of Burmecia
"I see. So you saw Puck, eh?"
"As mischievous as ever, Your Majesty."
King of Burmecia
"I haven't seen him in ages."
"I heard His Highness left Burmecia one month after me. That makes it three years."
King of Burmecia
"And yet both you and Puck decided to return to me in this time of danger."
"I am grateful!"
Cleyra High Priest
"Freya, we shall conduct an ancient ceremony to strengthen the sandstorm."
"Surely no enemy of ours would attack with the powerful storm protecting Cleyra."
"And with the help of a dragon knight like you, the storm should grow even more powerful."
"Ah, the ceremony from the time when Burmecia and Cleyra were one. I understand."
"Zidane, I met with utter failure when trying to defend Burmecia..."
"And I will not allow Brahne to exert her will upon us any longer!"
"You've changed, Freya."
"I didn't think you were so strong when I first met you."
"I could not bring peace to Burmecia and thus fulfill Sir Fratley's wish."
"But now, all I can do is protect this beautiful place."
"Yeah, protecting Cleyra is the best thing you can do for yourself."
"Doing so will help me."
[Zidane moves out of the way. On the right side of the screen, one Cleyran plays on a harp, which has a red glowing jewel above it. In the middle of the building, 4 Cleyrans and Freya perform the ancient ceremony, while the King of Burmecia and the Cleyran High Priest look on. At the end of the ceremony, the harp's strings snap]
Moon Maiden Claire
"The string have snapped..."
"A terrible omen, this is..."
[FMV. Blue strands of light surround the sandstorm, as it begins to vanish. In a matter of moments, the sandstorm is gone, and Cleyra, the massive tree, is visible to the world]
"I can't believe the sandstorm disappeared."
"What happened...?"
"I don't know..."
Cleyran High Priest
"I have never witnessed anything like this since we settled here."
"On the harp, there is a magic stone."
[Screen shows the red glowing stone]
"Since ancient times, we have used the power of the stone to control the sandstorm."
King of Burmecia
"Perhaps someone is trying to invade Cleyra."
Cleyran High Priest
"I fear that you may be right, my lord."
King of Burmecia
"I only hope our enemies don't come up the trunk..."
[Screen changes back to Alexandria, where Steiner and Marcus are imprisoned in a large bird cage, in the air, as two guards are on the bottom floor, keeping guard]
"How dare they imprison us like this! Those wretched court jesters!"
"Zorn and Thorn will never get away with this!"
"I can't believe I got dragged into this."
"No one asked you to meddle in our affairs!"
"It's pretty sad, gettin' backstabbed by your own queen."
"This is all some kind of a mistake!"
"I know the queen. She would never betray me!"
"Wishful thinking."
"Who knows what she's gonna do to the princess..."
"I must save the princess at all costs!"
[Scene changes to Dagger, in her room]
"I wonder if Mother will even listen to me..."
"Why did she attack Burmecia?"
"And why did she arrest us like this?"
"I must be sincere with her."
"She hasn't been herself lately..."
"Actually, she's been acting rather strange since my birthday last year."
"The same day that tall man visited us..."
"Maybe he had something to do with it."
"Come to think of it, that was when things began to change."
"Doctor Tot left Alexandria shortly afterwards, too."
"What happened that day?"
[Zorn and Thorn run into the room]
"Queen Brahne summons you."
"Come with us."
"How dare you speak to me like that!?"
"With us, you are coming, and that is that!"
(What was that phrase...? Oh yeah.)
"Get off me, you scumbag!"
[Turns to face Thorn]
"What was that? I do not understand."
[Turns to face Zorn]
"Understand what she said, I do not, either."
Zorn and Thorn
"Enough! Now, come with us!"
[They all leave the room, and enter Queen Brahne's room. The queen is there, fanning herself, like usual]
"Hurry up!"
"For so long, the queen has waited."
[Dagger walks into the room and approaches her]
"Darling, there you are."
"Where were you? I've been worried sick."
"Here, come closer."
[Dagger walks closer]
"Mother, there is something I need to ask you."
"What is it, darling? I will tell you anything you wish to know."
"Did you... Is it true that you are responsible for the destruction of Burmecia?"
"Oh... Well, no wonder you look so concerned."
"That is far from the truth, Garnet."
"You see, those Burmecian rats have been plotting to destroy Alexandria for some time."
"I couldn't just wait for them to attack and destroy our precious kingdom."
"So, I had no choice but to take the initiative."
"Mother, is that really the truth?"
"Of course."
"I would never lie to you."
[Choose between "Believe her" or "Don't believe her". Neither choice matters, for the most part, so I just chose the first one]
"Alright... I'm sorry, Mother."
"It's okay, darling. I'm just happy that you understand."
[Kuja walks onto the screen]
"May I also play a part in this act?"
"Yes, an act from a beautiful play..."
"There is a knight on a white horse..."
"...and a beautiful princess. It is a tale of tragic love."
"Overcome by grief, the princess must sleep for a hundred years..."
"You... I've seen you before..."
"It appears we were destined to meet again."
"My sweet angel, come to me."
[He walks up to Dagger, and holds her]
"I will take you to a world of dreams."
[He waves his hand and casts a spell. Dagger falls unconscious]
"She is beautiful, even in sleep."
"Hmph, impudent little girl."
"Zorn, Thorn!"
"Prepare to extract the eidolons from Garnet."
[Scene changes to Dagger lying down on a table. Zorn and Thorn are on either side of her]
"A belated happy birthday, Princess. Hee-hee-hee!"
"Sixteen years old, the princess has become. Draw the eidolons from her, finally, we can."
[Zorn and Thorn begin doing a dance around her. They say the lines at the exact same time, so, they'll be shown in blocks: first line is Zorn, second is Thorn]
"Eidolons of Eternal Life!"
"Eidolons of infinite Power!"
"Arise from the 16 year sleep!"
"Depart after the 16 year wait!"
[Blue streams of light are directed to Dagger's body]
"Let there be light!"
"Let there be life!"
[Blue rings of energy emanate from her body, as red specks of light ascend from her body]
"The time has come!"
"The time is now!"
[She floats in the air]
"Come forth!"
"Odin, warrior of the dark!"
[Screen returns to the sandstormless Cleyra. Zidane walks up to Freya, who is standing in the observatory]
"What are you doing here?"
"Tell me. Why do you think the sandstorm disappeared?"
"I don't know."
"I was surprised that there even was a sandstorm."
"Did you know the sandstorm was here for a thousand years...? And in all that time, it never dissapeared, not even once."
"Perhaps Brahne is behind all this."
[Choose between "No doubt; Brahne is behind this", "What about that guy who was with Brahne?", or "Right now, my mind's only on Dagger". Since there's no real difference between the choices, I picked the second one]
"Actually, I'm more concerned about who that guy with Brahne in Burmecia was."
"That man... I wonder who he was..."
"Zidane, I'm going to head down to find out why the sandstorm disappeared."
"Hey, I was thinking the same thing!"
"Let's go together."
"I'm gonna go find Vivi and Quina. I'll meet you at the town entrance."
[Freya heads down to the town entrance, where everyone is waiting]
"Hey, what took you so long?"
"Alright, let's get going."
[Zidane runs off]
"I couldn't find Puck... I wonder if he went down the trunk?"
[Vivi runs off]
"This city have very yummy sand! This city delicious."
[Quina runs off]
"I failed Burmecia... but I won't fail Cleyra, no matter what."
[Freya runs off]
[The group descends the Trunk, having several fights with Alexandrian soldiers along the way]
"A moment, Zidane."
"Those Alexandrian villains back there..."
"Weren't they too few in number to constitue a determined attack?"
[Choose between "Yeah, I thought so, too" or "Let's wipe 'em out!". Neither choice matters, so I picked the first]
"Yeah, I thought so, too."
[Puck runs onto the screen, and into Vivi, exclaiming "Oh!". Puck then runs up to Freya]
"Freya! The town's in trouble!"
"Ya gotta come back, please!"
"No! My fears were true!"
"At once, my lord!"
[Freya runs off the screen]
"C'mon, you deadweights! Hustle!"
[Puck runs off the screen]
"You heard him! Let's go!"
[Zidane, Vivi, and Quina run off the screen. Beatrix appears at the other end of the screen they were just in]
"Ha! They fell for it."
[The screen changes to show the Cleyra settlement. Balls of light descend, and turn into Black Mages, who attack and kill anyone they see]
Burmecian Soldier Dan
"How dare you show up here!"
[The black mage does a fire attack on him]
[He dies]
[Two black mages appear in front of priests in front of the entrance to the inn, and they're killed as well, the black mages exclaiming "KILL!" aftewards]
[Screen changes to the entrance of the Cleyra settlement. A moogle, followed by two Cleyran maidens, run down the stairs]
[He runs off screen]
Flower Maiden Sharon
"Please save us!!!"
Water Maiden Shannon
"The town is full of demons!"
"Are there really that many!?"
Flower Maiden Sharon
"They just keep coming!"
[A light floats down behind them, transforming into a black mage. They shout "Aaa!" and run off the screen. He shouts "KILL!". You have a battle with the black mage]
[The two maidens run back onto the screen, shouting "Aaa!", followed by three Alexandrian soldiers]
Alexandrian Soldier
"Foolish Cleyrans, your time as come!"
"Over here!"
"I'm the one you want!"
[Fight vs. the three Alexandrian soldiers]
"This must be the main attack force..."
[You fight two more black mages]
"Ha! They got nothin' on me!"
"But the town's in trouble!"
[Zidane comes to the water area, where two oracles are]
"Enemies are on their way up! How about your side?"
Tree Oracle Wylan
"The Burmecians are fighting back, but the demons keep coming..."
Sand Oracle Satrea
"We fled, unable to resist any longer..."
"Damn those Alexandrians!"
Sand Oracle Satrea & Tree Oracle Wylan
"What are we to do...?"
"We're out of time!"
[Choose either "Let's head up!" or "Let's head right!". If you head up, they get killed and you have to fight two black mages. If you head right, they live and there's no fight. So, I chose right]
"Let's go right!"
[Zidane heads to the next screen. Burmecian Refugee Learie and her two children run down a set of stairs]
Burmecian Refugee Learie
"Excuse me... Have you seen my husband?"
"No, I sure haven't..."
"Daddy's gone!"
[A black mage appears at the bottom of the screen]
"It's too dangerous here!"
[Choose between "Let's go left!" or "Climb the stairs on the right!". If you choose the first, everyone gets away. If you choose the second, those three die. Either way, you have to fight black mages. So, I chose the first]
"Let's go left!"
[The black mage, along with two Alexandrian soldiers, approach him]
"You won't get by me!"
[Fight against those three]
"We gotta be fast, or we'll lose them all!"
[Next screen, Learie and her two kids are there]
Burmecian Kid Jack
"Hurry, tell us!"
Burmecian Kid Adam
"Which way now!?"
"Let's see..."
[Choose between "Up the stairs!", "Cross the bridge to the right!", or "Down the stairs to the left!". Since the bridge to the right is safe, I chose that one]
"Cross the bridge!"
[They cross the bridge safely. 3 Alexandrian soldiers run onto the screen]
"Persistent bastards!"
[You fight and defeat them]
"We can't hold them off forever!"
[Next screen, near the observatory, Learie and her two kids are there again]
"Are we safe now?"
"No more monsters?"
[Choose between "Yeah, they won't come back" or "We're not safe yet". First choice = they die, second choice = they live, so, pick the second]
"We're not safe yet... So stay alert for more!"
Flower Maiden Sharon
"I knew it wasn't over yet."
"Huh? What are you guys doing here?"
Water Maiden Shannon
"We like this place very much."
Flower Maiden Sharon
"Even though we have lost the soul-soothing view of the sandstorm..."
"Yeah, I think it's pretty, too."
"This whole town is pretty."
"And everyone here is so nice."
"That's why I wanna protect you!"
"C'mon, let's head to the cathedral. We can make our stand there!"
[Everyone runs off screen, to the cathedral. They stop in front of it]
"So, these are the only survivors..."
Flower Maiden Sharon
"Where is the high priest?"
Water Maiden Sharon
"Where is the king?"
"Where's dad?"
"I hope they're all safe inside the cathedral..."
"Alright, everyone inside!"
[Three black mages descend, each one blocking off the three possible exits]
"They're back!"
"Over there!"
"Dammit, we're surrounded!"
[The black mages walk closer, surrounding them, each of them shouting "KILL!" in unison]
"Dammit! I can't save 'em all!"
"Minions of evil, you have gone too far!"
[The screen shows someone standing on top of the Cathedral]
"My spear will purge this land of you!"
"You shall fall like leaves in the wind under the force of my blade!"
[He jumps near each black mage, killing each one in one blow]
"Now, run!"
[Everyone runs inside the cathedral]
"Dunno who you are, but I owe you one!"
[Inside the cathedral, Freya encounters this Stranger, who is actually....Sir Fratley!!!!]
"Sir Fratley, I..."
"I have missed you so much..."
"I began my search for you immediately after you left Burmecia."
"Where have you been all these years...?"
"To what corners of the world have you travelled?"
"My dear Fratley..."
"I climbed the highest mountains only to hear rumors of your victories..."
"I searched the deepest valleys only to find your footsteps."
"But I never found you."
"And in the end, I heard something..."
"Something unbearable!"
"Freya, you say?"
"I believe this is the first time we have met..."
"What...did you just say?"
"I'm sorry, but I cannot remember you for the life of me..."
"Y-You jest!"
"You cannot have forgotten me!"
"It's me, Freya! Freya of Burmecia!!"
"I am sorry..."
"Hey, wait a minute!"
"You can't be serious!"
"It's Freya, your lost love!"
"How could you forget her!?"
"Well, say something!!!"
"That is enough, Zidane..."
"You've been searching for this guy for years, and now he's right here!"
King of Burmecia
"Do you remember me, the King of Burmecia?"
"Not at all, I'm afraid."
King of Burmecia
"Impossible! Have you forgotten everything that has passed!?"
"Then let me ask you this: What brought you back to Burmecia?"
"Is it because you learned of the crisis here in Cleyra, whose people are our brothers?"
"As a matter of fact..."
"As a matter of fact, I'll tell ya!"
[Puck runs onto the screen. Fratley says "Lord Puck!", Freya says "Prince Puck!", and Zidane and the King say "Puck!"
"I found Fratley during my travels around the world!"
"And you guessed it, he didn't know who I was!"
"Or even who he was!"
"But when Burmecia was attacked and he heard that Cleyra was in danger..."
"His faint memories as a dragon knight called him back here!"
"Dragon knight..."
"Yes, I was once called that..."
"But now, that is all I can remember..."
"I must go."
[He jumps to the front door, and off-screen]
"Freya, aren't you gonna follow him?"
"I am happy simply knowing that Sir Fratley still lives."
"I'm sorry, Freya."
"I knew you weren't ready to see him, but with Cleyra under attack and all..."
"I need no such courteousy, Highness."
"Uh...well, I'm gonna go after Fratley!"
[Vivi and Quina walk on screen, as Puck runs off, bumping into Vivi and knocking him over]
King of Burmecia
"Wait, Puck! I have no seen you in ages!"
"Wh-What? That was Puck?"
"So, what happened?"
"What's the matter, Freya? Are you crying?"
"What irony."
"To find the man about whom I have dreamt endlessly..."
"...only to discover that he cannot even remember who I am!"
"Come, Zidane! The enemy's hand has not been stilled!"
"We must regroup!"
[On the other side of the screen, the Cleyran High Priest is on the ground, while Beatrix is standing beside the harp]
Cleyran High Priest
"Eeeeek! Have mercy!"
"Hmph! Pathetic rodents!"
"You fail to grasp the true power of the jewel!"
[Beatrix knocks it out of its resting place with her sword, and catches the jewel]
Cleyran High Priest
"Our magic stone!"
"Now that I have this jewel, I am through with your city!"
[She jumps to the door and runs out]
"Halt, villain!"
[The group of characters follows Beatrix out of the cathedral]
"Think you can get away?"
"Get away?"
"You're a bigger fool than I imagined..."
"Have you forgotten how badly I beat you back in Burmecia?"
"So, you are more the fool for not finishing what you started!"
"You're gonna pay!"
"I find no tasties in this town, so we cook you for breakfast!"
"Then allow me to shatter your delusions of grandeur."
[Boss battle vs. Beatrix. It ends the same way that it did in Burmecia: she says "No more games." and follows that up with an attack (Stock Break) which takes everyone down to 1 HP. She then says "I shall leave with the jewel now."]
"Sh-She's too powerful..."
"Black mages, our work here is done. Commence withdrawl immediately!"
[A black mage turns into a ball of light. Beatrix runs and jumps into the ball, and it ascends into the air]
"Hey, they disappeared!"
"What now, Freya?"
"Good question..."
"Zidane! Look out behind you!"
[Another black mage comes onto the screen, and turns into the ball of light]
"There! I'm gonna follow 'em!"
"Everyone follow me!"
[He jumps into the ball, which goes up into the air]
"Zidane! He's gone!"
"I highly doubt I will ever return to this place..."
"Besides, this may be your last chance to find the truth about who you are..."
"Come, Vivi! Show us your courage!"
[Freya jumps into another black mage's ball of light]
"Oh no... Freya's gone, too!"
[Vivi jumps into another ball of light, leaving only Quina behind]
"I no like heights..."
[Runs off the screen]