FFIX - Script - 2.10 - Return to the Iifa Tree

"There's still a little Mist, but at least there's no more coming out. That must mean Kuja isn't here yet."
"What happened to the Mist?"
"We beat the beast that breathes it. So much for the Mist Continent!"
"No more Mist...?"
(They must possess incredible powers to accomplish such a feat.)
[They hear a dragon's roar]
"Zidane, there's a silver dragon!"
"It's him! He flew from the ruins of Burmecia riding a silver dragon!"
"It's Kuja alright! And he's riding that dragon!"
[Scene changes to show the silver dragon flying through the air, while Kuja is standing on its back]
"Oh, how I've longed for this day."
"...the day I might finally cast away this mask to reveal my true self."
"Now it no longer matters if the Iifa Tree is liberated! It means nothing to me!"
"Mwahaha... The tree is so beautiful! Its beauty becomes the great mother tree that lives among the stars!"
"Silver Dragon, let us watch the drama unfold from the trunk of Iifa. No one shall interrupt us there."
[Screen changes back to Zidane]
"Who do I wanna take with me to fight Kuja...?"
[Choose between "Change party members", "Go to menu", or "Keep current members". You have to choose "Keep current members" eventually]
[Zidane and company run on the vine paths to the Iifa Tree, and near it]
"We'll pass the trunk if we go any farther."
[Screen pans upward to show the massive height of the tree]
"Kuja went down that trunk."
"Say, Zidane... How are we gonna get up there?"
"Can't we climb there?"
"Not me!"
"M-Me neither."
"I don't think I can, either."
"We came all this way... Now what?"
"What's the problem?"
"You should just go by yourself!"
"We gotta go face Kuja together."
"How did this wimp end up beating me?"
[Amarant starts walking towards Zidane]
"Hey, Amarant! Watch where you're walking!"
"'He who hesitates is lost.' You'd best remember that."
"You almost knocked me down!"
"Well, I prefer 'My way or the highway.'"
"Whatever. Like you actually have a plan."
"Oh yeah, smarty-pants!? Don't forget you're the one that lost to Zidane."
"Shut up, brat."
"A plan...huh?"
"That's right, Amarant! You owe me one, remember? It's payback time!"
"There's some gargant grass around here, so a gargant can't be far. I want you to catch one for me."
"Then we can all get on and ride it to the top."
"Why should I do all that when I could just take the kids up myself?"
(How'd I ever let this dimwit beat me?)
[Amarant walks towards them]
[Amarant jumps down]
"He sure has spirit."
"Alright, Dagger... I'll just carry you piggyback."
"Huh? Hey! Zidane! Wait just a-"
[Screen changes to Kuja standing on a part of the tree, the silver dragon behind him]
"The weak lose their freedom to the strong."
"Such is the way of the strong. And it is the providence of nature that only the strong survive."
"That is why I needed strength. I learned of powers that would daunt even him... over ten years ago."
"Such a long time... Now my forces are ready to strike! Ahh... The suspense is terrible!"
[The silver dragon growls]
"So they've come this far, have they?"
"Perfect. I'll warm up on them until the elephant-lady shows up."
[Screen changes to the group of five, walking up a part of the tree]
"Thanks, Amarant!"
"Now we're even. Show me what you guys can do."
"There's Kuja!"
[Screen shows Kuja standing on a ledge ahead of them]
"Yeah. Get ready, guys!"
[Choose between "Organize party", "Menu", or "Finished". Have to choose "Finished" sometime]
"Kuja... Maker of black mages..."
"Any enemy of Zidane is an enemy of mine!"
"Okay, let's go!"
[Everyone runs to Kuja. They reach the ledge across from him]
"You are Kuja, correct?"
"My name is..."
"...Princess Garnet Til Alexandros. I wish to ask you something."
"Was it really you who persuaded my mother to start the war-"
"The war that threw the entire Mist Continent into chaos?"
"And you made everyone...the black mages into instruments of war!?"
"Oh, dear... The princess has such a bloodthirsty little puppet."
"I don't have the power to do such a thing. I just gave them a little recipe."
"Begin with broth of Mist, add fermented souls, and boil..."
"Then, pour genuine black magic into a mixing bowl and heat to-"
"Stop it!"
"I'm not done telling how to make soulless toys out of the dregs of souls!"
"Dregs of souls? You mean Mist!?"
"First, you don't want to listen, now you start asking questions?"
"Oh, brother... But you're not ready yet!"
"Why, you - don't you feel anything!? Taking the lives of so many..."
"Spare me the lecture. Lives come and go all the time. What's the big deal?"
"Speaking of warmongers, why... what about that mother of yours, Princess?"
"She said she won't feel alive until she has everything! It breaks my heart to see such greed!"
"The war was my fault? No, no! Your mother wanted it! All I did was give her a little push!"
"Liar! My mother was sweet and kind. You changed her!"
[The dragon growls]
"Mwahaha... So the curtain rises! Perfect, my canary. Let me show you the truth about your mother!"
"First Act: The End of the Ugly Desire. It's showtime!"
[FMV. A fleet of boats are heading towards the Iifa Tree]
[Screen shows Queen Brahne, fanning herself in one of the boats]
"Bwahahaha! Kuja! So you finally decided to show your girly face here!"
"You're all that stands between me and total domination!"
"Gehehe! But I haven't forgotten all you've done for me! In return, I will show you the ultimate power!"
"Attention, all hands! Order the black mages to focus all their magical energies into a single spell!"
"Lay suppressing fire upon Kuja until the casting is finished! Fire! Fire at will!!!"
[Screen changes to an Alexandrian soldier in another boat]
Senior Officer
"Orders from Her Majesty! Black mages, focus all your magical energy into a single spell!"
[On the deck, five black mages move both their hands, charging up their energy]
[Screen changes back to Kuja and the characters]
"I...I can't believe it!"
"Your mother isn't satisfied with just one continent! Her ugliness and stupidity are truly impressive."
"Ahh... everything is proceeding as I have foreseen."
"What are you talking about!?"
"You're just the opening number. Time for the real show."
"We won't let you get away!"
"The Mist may be created no more, but it still lurks in caves and forests, right?"
"I can make monsters with magic! Come forth, spawn of the Mist!"
[Battle vs. two Mistodons. After defeating them, the screen returns to the five characters. Kuja and the Silver Dragon are gone]
"So, two of your enemies are dukin' it out? Why not just leave 'em, and finish off the winner."
"My money's on Kuja."
[Scene changes to Kuja, standing on top of the Silver Dragon, which is flying in the air]
"Hahaha! Foolish Brahne! Your prized cannons are useless against the spawn of the Mist!"
"Mwahaha... But even a fool like you knows that there is only one path you can take, right?"
"Stupid elephant-lady! Why do you hesitate?"
"Very well... I'll make the first move."
"I'll give you a clean target. You can't miss!"
"Silver Dragon, descend!"
[The dragon descends, and the screen fades to black. The screen changes to the 5 characters]
"Amarant's right. Let's split before we get dragged in."
"No... I can't... I can't let anything happen to my mother."
"Zidane, I... I have to save her!"
"Uhh, Dagger? She extracted eidolons from you and started a war!"
"I still don't want her to die!"
"But she didn't care one bit whether you lived or died!"
"You don't have to call her mother anymore!"
"She's my only mother!"
"I don't care if you don't understand!"
"Eiko, you said that there was an eidolon imprisoned near here, right?"
"Um, yeah."
"Please! Tell me where!"
[Eiko points forward]
"It's a long way down. You see the place with lots of roots? That's it."
"There. I see it."
[Dagger runs off screen]
"Dagger, don't go alone!"
[Battle vs. Mistodon]
"Hehe... This is turning into quite a show."
"Anyone can get emotional at a time like this! Give her a break!"
"Zidane, let's go. Dagger's in danger all by herself."
"Yeah... Let's go after her."
[The group runs down a root to arrive where Dagger is. Dagger is standing in front of a statue of a serpent]
"I sense the eidolon's power! Now... Now I can save my mother!"
(Please help me...)
[Energy begins to swirl around the statue. A pair of luminous wings suddenly appear on the serpent's sides]
[Received Aquamarine!]
"I can't save my mother with this eidolon!"
[Dagger falls to her knees. The group arrives]
"Dagger! What's wrong? Can't you free it?"
"No, I have it. I sense it's a great eidolon. But...but..."
"I don't believe it! This is the legendary sea serpent Leviathan!"
"An eidolon who wipes out its enemies with a huge tidal wave! I'm sorry, Dagger!"
"No, it's not your fault. But my mother's still in danger!"
[The screen changes to onboard an Alexandrian ship. One part of the ship is burnt, with 2 blacks mages down, dead. The others are still moving their hands, charging their energy. The screen shifts up to an Alexandrian soldier; another soldier walks onto the screen]
"Isn't Her Majesty ready yet!?"
"All remaining ammunition was spent on that last wave of monsters! The next wave will chew us up unless we pull out now!"
Senior Officer
"That is not our decision! Get back to your post, soldier!"
[Screen changes to Brahne's ship. A black mage is glowing with a yellow-goldish hue]
Alexandrian Soldier
"Your Majesty, the black mages have completed their preparations."
"That insolent whelp! Now I can finish him off!"
"Draconic Seedling!"
"Bahamut, King of Dragons!"
[FMV. A huge circle of fire is created in the ocean, as Bahamut flies out. He soars along the ocean towards the Iifa Tree and, particularly, towards Kuja and the Silver Dragon. Kuja looks on and smiles. Bahamut charges for a blast, and fires several blasts of energy upon Kuja, as the ground explodes in massive explosions. The Silver Dragon, along with Kuja on its back, fly away. Kuja realizes he's bleeding, and smiles a demonic smile]
[The screen changes back to the group of characters]
"I've heard the stories, but I never thought summoning could be so powerful."
(If Zidane is after their power, I'd better watch out...)
"Wow... Now we can win! And Mother won't have to die!"
[Eiko looks left and right, repeatedly and frantically]
"Eiko, don't you think... What's wrong?"
"Mog... She's terrified!"
"How come?"
"Don't you know? That's the last eidolon. Bahamut, the Dragon King! He'll win for sure!"
[Screen changes back to Kuja and the Silver Dragon]
"Excellent, Bahamut!"
"Power, mobility... You are truly the best! You even hurt me...a little."
"And you, Brahne... Your tragic role in this drama now comes to an end!"
"I'm sure you'll enjoy the second act from your soul's hellish prison, since the stage will be your former home!"
"The final act will take us away from Gaia, and I will kill my nemesis...with my own hand!"
"Hahaha! Everything is going according to plan."
[FMV. Kuja raises his hands, as the sky goes black. The eyeball which destroyed Madain Sari appears in the sky. Beams of energy radiate from the eyeball, as Bahamut becomes entrapped in it. The energy beam rocks the ship, as black mages fall to the floor. The queen, also in pain/agony, falls down. Kuja, looking on all this, smiles a malicious smile. The queen looks up, and see a Kuja-controlled Bahamut right in front of her! As it powers up for its attack, she's terrified. Bahamut unleashes a devastating blast on her ship, as well as all the other ships of the Alexandrian fleet. It flies away, dissipating into energy and dissapearing. The Silver Dragon, with Kuja sitting upon it, flies off into the distance]
[Screen is black: white writing appears on the black screen]
"I don't know why Bahamut attacked the one who summoned him."
"But we found Queen Brahne on the beach, next to her escape pod."
"She could hardly move. And I thought she'd come to a stop any second."
[Screen fades in. Vivi is standing alone, with Zidane and Eiko in the distance. They're on the beach; a boat is washed ashore, which Amarant is on]
"I hate Kuja a lot. But I hate Brahne a lot, too...... so much that I wanted this to happen to her."
"I should be happy, but..."
"Once I saw Dagger start to cry, I didn't know how I should feel."
"I kind of wanted to cry, too..."
[Screen shifts left to Brahne, collapsed on her back, with Dagger by her side]
"...I...can hear...my daughter's voice."
"Yes, Mother! I'm here!"
"Right here..."
"I...I am empty now... Free..."
"Free...of that...terrible...greed..."
"I haven't...felt this way...since I saw that play... with you...and your father."
"I led...Alexandria...down... the path...of ruin..."
"The people...will be...happier... with you...on the throne..."
[Her arms fall to her sides, and she lays still. The screen fades to black]
"We went back to Alexandria on Queen Brahne's escape pod."
"We also brought..."
"Dagger's mother with us..."
[Screen changes to an area in Alexandria, most likely Brahne's resting place. Doctor Tot walks forward, and turns around]
"This way, Princess."
[Tot walks forward. Dagger, followed by Steiner and Beatrix, walk onto the screen]
"Steiner, Beatrix..."
[She turns to face them]
"How horrible that her life had to end this way."
"I still can't believe all that has happened..."
"Princess, it was my..."
"No! It was my fault!"
"Thank you, both of you..."
"I must now carry the burden of ruling Alexandria alone."
"Will both of you please help me during this, my time of need?"
"Yes, Princess!"
"Thank you."
[Dagger walks to Doctor Tot, who's holding a wreath of flowers, in front of the memorial monument]
"Princess, this is a wreath of roses, your mother's favourite."
[Dagger takes the wreath from him]
"The townspeople sent it as an offering for the queen's grave."
"True, Queen Brahne had been acting quite erratic before her death..."
"...but the people are still very fond of her, as you can see."
[Dagger walks forward, and places the wreath on the monument. Steiner and Beatrix salute]
"I shall become a great queen!"
[Dagger walks off screen]
[FMV. Dagger walks down a set of stairs, hands behind her. She continues walking, deep in thought, arriving at the waterfront befor ethe castle. We see the castle, in all its majestic glory. Dagger then turns around sharply, staring at the camera, hands by her side]